The State of California Needs to Enter Rehab. California's budget crisis and legislative standoff has brought the state to what the politicians call the brink of disaster. Wayne Allyn Root, 2008 Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee and 2012 Libertarian Presidential hopeful, doesn't understand why California laying off 20,000 government employees is called a "disaster." Root says, "This is a crisis caused by having too many government employees in the first place. Government has grown too big, too powerful, too bloated. 20,000 people losing their jobs is certainly a terrible thing under normal circumstances. But 20,000 government employees being laid off in California is a good start. It's moving in the right direction. The biggest danger to California's future is NOT earthquakes or global warming - it is bankruptcy and state default on debts of over $40 billion. Government debt is the true crisis that threatens to destroy the future of the children and grandchildren of California citizens." [
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