Already we are seeing the most liberal, big spending president in our history - and this is just his first month in office! It's not just the president either; it's the whole political circus. Trips to Denver and Phoenix for the sake of political showmanship was not what we were promised in his campaign. It costs almost $65k an hour just to run Air Force One. The massive security each time the president goes to a city and all the personnel required on scene and around the country adds up to a ridiculous amount of time and money. Every hour the plane is in the air alone costs more than what 90% of Americans make in a year - remember that number during the campaign? Wasn't it Obama who asked us to turn down our thermostats? And even in this record-setting spending bill, members of the Senate and Congress had to be "paid off" for their vote by receiving pork packages of ridiculous proportions for their constituents back home so they can tout it come reelection time - and, yes, they will use political entertainment so you'll buy it. They couldn't even pass one clean straightforward bill without everyone putting their hands in the cookie jar. [more...]
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