Barack Obama's recession will soon turn into Great Depression II. Rinos and Democrats have conspired to produce a ridiculous scheme to spend and tax America's way to prosperity. Never mind that this has never worked. Forget the enormous problems with this $800 billion "stimulus" package. Hold aside the crushing $ 1.5 TRILLION weight it produces when added to the totally ineffective $700 billion the congress shoveled at this problem last fall. Now congress will spend $ 1.5 TRILLION of our money and we have only Obama's assurances "THINGS WILL GET WORSE FOR YEARS TO COME" to build our dreams on. As evidenced by its provision forcing any college receiving federal funds (read 99% of schools) to push religious clubs off its grounds, this monstrosity is a Marxist wish list of their darkest plans for America. This sour witch's brew, pieced together by Barney Frank and other criminally partisan Democrats, uses our money to turn attention away from the Fanny and Freddy mess they made. Instead of making things better, this pile of sludge will cause us to beg for money from the Chinese. So these idiots will be handing our economic security to our largest competitor and "hoping" for the best. [more...]
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