Tuesday, June 15, 2010

On the Money

By Bill Glynn

Suffice it to say the America People (what the panderers call us) are fickle and being led by the nose by nothing more than political consumer branding. This is what elections have been reduced to and supported by billions of dollars to make sure you and I go to the voting booths and choose the brand they want you to buy. Consumer product branding is exactly the same. Companies spend hundreds of millions on television, radio and print media to program you into buying their product. If it didn’t work to pull you along by the nose, not a penny would be spent on commercials and ads. Well, the same holds true for the political machines, special interests, unions and many other influencers aiming their media guns directly at us to make sure we stay chained to the platonic TV where the political rock stars can give us our opinions. Obama touring the country selling ObamaCare is just a prime example of what we are allowing to happen. [more...]

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