Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Obama's Gulf Crisis Response: Insanity Squared

By Wayne Allyn Root

As Ronald Reagan would say, "There you go again Obama." Obama is trying to turn a tragedy and national emergency in the Gulf into an opportunity to pass yet another massive tax that will bury our economy. Does it ever end? Every single crisis is an opportunity to raise taxes, damage business, and redistribute the wealth. Now Obama is using the Gulf oil crisis to try to ram through "cap and trade" legislation that will greatly increase taxes and prices for all forms of energy but especially hit the middle and upper classes and business owners the hardest.

Has America picked up on a pattern yet? None of this has anything to do with the crisis. It's all about a Marxist plan to overwhelm the system and redistribute the wealth. The crises are just Obama's "opportunities." They are his WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION to provide cover for massive new taxes that take away money and power from the people - especially business owners - and hand it to big government, big unions, and Obama's masses of voters (the poor, entitlement addicts, government employees - anyone that desperately needs government to survive). [more...]

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