The time for window dressing is over. America needs a real recovery plan to avert long-term economic misery and the rotting of the American Dream. From the federal government down to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the national directive is simple and urgent: Stop borrowing and consuming and start saving and investing! Our national finances are beginning to look like the folks at the Friday night all-you-can eat, midnight buffet special: grossly fat and unfit. It does not take a genius to recognize that debt and consumption lead to dependence and poverty while savings and investment, though much less immediately gratifying, lead to long-term wealth and prosperity. It is true of nations and of individuals. The obviousness of this requires no further explanation. Despite the predictably dire repercussions, our nation is going deeper and deeper still into debt... and soon we will reach the point of no return. All the while, we are told by our national leaders that we had better get used to the era of trillion dollar deficits. It is simply disgusting – like a morbidly obese person super-sizing a value meal – and we should not stand for it! [more...]
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