President Barack Obama gave a stirring and patriotic inaugural speech on Tuesday. But a welfare/socialism plan gift wrapped in a beautiful inaugural speech is still a welfare/socialism plan.In the past week he has invoked Abraham Lincoln on several occasions. Perhaps it was a tribute to Republicans or perhaps a reminder of the slavery era, or both. Unfortunately, Barack Obama's Democratic Party and Abraham Lincoln have major philosophical differences:
Democrats love class warfare and sneer contemptuously at "the rich."
BUT Abe once said, "That some should be rich, shows that others may become rich, and hence, is just encouragement to industry and enterprise."
Democrats vow to "tax the rich."
BUT Abe once said, "I believe that every individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases with himself and the fruits of his labor, so far as it in no way interferes with any other men's rights." Honest Abe obviously did not embrace the concept of "Let's spread the wealth around."
Democrats are telling Americans that simply running up $trillion$ on our national credit card with a congressional spending spree will painlessly solve our economic problems. However, most Americans know that someday the real underlying problems must be addressed.
BUT Abe once said, "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."
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