By Karen Leland The
Week of April 4th is Explore Your Career Options Week. If you
want to keep your career options open, be aware that a strong personal brand on
social media can help or hurt. According to a recent poll, 52% of employers
use social networking sites to research candidates, and 35% of those same
employers reported that they were less likely to interview job candidates who
didn’t have an online presence. In addition, 51% use search engines to dig up
details on a job candidate. So that picture of you chugging back a beer on your
Facebook page may not be such a good personal brand move for your future career
prospects. Take advantage of all your career options by making sure your social
media is up to par with these five easy, but often overlooked, tips. [more...]
just can’t catch a break, and they deserve not to. Running a business is hard,
no matter the size, but some people fail to see when they are making mistakes,
and more often than not, someone is ready to capitalize on those mistakes.
Yahoo’s management and board can’t seem to make any good decisions regarding
the ailing tech company. Given that their core company is theoretically valued
at zero dollars, you would think they’d have made big plans to right the ship.
But no, they considered selling certain major assets, but to no avail. Now,
activist hedge fund group Starboard Capital is launching a proxy war to take
over Yahoo’s entire board. Yahoo wants to sell its core business due to
failures to stay competitive in the tech market; Google (Alphabet) and Facebook
are two major threats Yahoo can’t fully handle. For Starboard, this isn’t
enough, and the hedge fund wants a whole-sale replacement of the board. Luckily
for Yahoo, the company has until the end of June to work out a deal, so not all
hope is lost. At the end of June comes Yahoo’s annual meeting, where if things
don’t improve, they could see Starboard take over the entire company. [more...] is proud to offer an excellent new blog featuring experts on the economy, the financial crisis, Wall Street and all things money money money!
New Website Launches Today!
Thank you for reading my blog posts on this website. Today, I’m launching
a new website. It’s available at . It is
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