Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Trust, Verify and Diversify

One way to avoid losing money is to diversify, and not just in the type of stocks you own. I am invested in the stock market, real estate, and many different businesses. Even within my different investments, I maintain diversity. Whether you choose to invest in yourself through your business or in the market through an advisor, be sure to trust but verify. You should be able to have complete confidence in either your advisor’s expertise or in your own knowledge about the workings of your business. After all, the only way to combat uncertainty in your investments is to have a good understanding of your markets and spread out your assets. All routes of investment have great potential for success, but no one investment is worth the risk of losing everything, however lucrative it may seem. I detail more pertinent business tactics in my award winning and best-selling book, "Sell Your Business For More Than It's Worth." [more...]

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