Will Americans Choose Economic Growth and Prosperity
- Or Economic Decline and Poverty?

Today, America is at an extremely critical juncture in our history. We are a prosperous nation on the brink of economic decline. We are currently in the midst of an exceptionally weak recovery, following the worst recession since the Great Depression. America is following a set of high tax and reckless spending policies that are creating astoundingly high deficits and unsustainably high debt levels. Unemployment is very high at 9.6% with the very real possibility it will increase to 11.5% in 2011.
The dollar appears to be weakening and might even be abandoned as the reserve currency of the global economy. Gold, a potential safe haven in times of fear, is soaring to incredible heights, indicating the skeptical outlook of the American people. It looks as if America might be teetering on the verge of a second Great Recession in 2011 or worse. Is the economy really all that bad? Can we do anything about the economy?
Indeed, all these questions, all these debates, and all these battles, hinge on two competing economic visions when considering whether America can still live the "good life." What are these two economic visions? What economic vision will America choose? Dr. Lameiro believes we do have a choice.
Choosing the Good Life shines a bright light on one of the greatest issues of the 21st century. It also tees up one of the most vitally important decisions you will ever make as a citizen. Indeed, this book presents the two distinct and competing economic visions for what constitutes the "Good Life."
These economic visions represent two different economic systems, two different ways of looking at life, and two different ways of living life. In fact, they are based on two opposing philosophies of life.
Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, each economic vision is fighting for your support. Your choice of economic visions will help to determine whether America will grow or decline; whether we will live in prosperity or struggle with poverty and whether we will live in peace or at war. You have enormous power as a citizen to influence, shape and decide America's future. Truly, your choice and the choices of millions of other citizens will ultimately impact and help to determine which economic vision will become reality in America and in the world.
While this book addresses citizens in America in the early 21st century, its principles and knowledge apply equally well across both time and space. The ideas within Choosing the Good Life can be applicable to citizens in other nations today, too, and likely will be relevant for generations of citizens to come in the future. In that sense, it is a classic book on economic freedom.
Written by Gerard Francis Lameiro, America's Citizen-Philosopher, this book brings with it Dr. Lameiro's engaging and award-winning style, his optimistic vision, and his uncanny ability to make the complex very simple. Downloadable at Amazon for Kindle, it's the most important book you'll read in a long time.
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