Can you imagine investing your life savings with Bernie Madoff now - knowing what you know? Don't laugh. Obama is orchestrating one of the great Ponzi schemes in history. Madoff couldn't have done it any better.
Let's look at the similarities. It's obvious Obama believes he has the answers to every problem, refuses to even listen to opposing viewpoints, and is unwilling to admit mistakes or apologize. Sound familiar? Obama is a Bernie Madoff - a man who thinks he is the "Master of the Universe" and the rest of us are just circling around in his orbit, serving at his pleasure.
Like Madoff, he is charming, flattering, has the gift of gab, and could sell ice to Eskimos. Obama has sold the country on the idea that a man who knows nothing about business, has never created a single job and has never run even a lemonade stand, can run the world's biggest economy. Not only has Obama never run so much as a lemonade stand, my guess is he was the kid who called City Hall to complain about a six-year-old running a lemonade stand without a government license. Now we've entrusted him with the entire U.S. economy in the midst of the worst economic crisis since The Great Depression.
Let's get back to the question: "Would you trust your life savings with Bernie Madoff now - knowing what you know?" We know the government fails miserably at everything it does - the post office, Social Security, Amtrak, to name just a few examples. The government is so inept it even failed running a brothel in Nevada and New York State just declared government run OTB (Off Track Betting) bankrupt. Only the government could lose money on prostitution and gambling! [more...]
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