Democrats are turning up the volume on the stimulus while the GOP has finally put their foot down. Obama is using TV, again, to pander to us. Can you even imagine that there are now talks about another stimulus package of borrowing and spending in D.C.? I don’t know if I am blind, deaf and dumb, but wasn't it borrowing and spending money across every part of economy that got us into this mess in the first place?
The current stimulus package has already shown the typical mismanagement and ineffectiveness of the government to run this kind of operation. Already pilfering the money for pet projects should have every American marching in the streets and should be a real sign of what else is coming. Worse, we are allowing them to do it. Why? Because they don’t care about, listen to, or even acknowledge our ideas and outrage. How does it feel to be impotent and marginalized in America?
It should be more than apparent, only four months into it, that the program is not working as planned and the unemployment and economic downturn continues to worsen. Only 6.8% has been invested in the turnaround, which is appalling from my perspective. If you are going to do it, do it quickly and massively.
As the pandering continues and the promise that the money will be invested (after borrowing, I may say) in the second half of the year and next year is bad policy. The money should have been sheltered from the politicians and placed under the reigns of our best business executives to make sure it all - I mean 100% - went into a massive and radical economic boost. But in D.C., it's just another piggy bank to raid and now they want even more. We can all see the paw prints on the cookie jar and the writing all over that wall.
You see the I.Q. in D.C. - especially the economic I.Q. - is sub-par. Economic savvy by career politicians and academics would be the last thing I would ever retain to run my business or manage money. Economic I.Q. to just borrow and spend is their only solution? And, worse, they want to do it again! What is wrong with our representatives? I just can’t believe this happening. I am really sick to my stomach.
We must stop the borrowing and spending. The world needs a signal that we can get our fiscal crap together and fast. But the very people that have bankrupted our nation are all foxes in the White House and Congress eating away at us - the stupid chickens that let them in to begin with. [more...]
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