I make more than $250k a year. I am a married 40-year-old. I am the target of discriminatory laws being contemplated to raise taxes, eliminate mortgage interest deductions and a laundry list of other items directed at the demographic I occupy. Any law designed to target or benefit specific races, classes or individuals is discriminatory. Financial discrimination in a capitalist society is about as vile and backwards as I can imagine. I believe I am the first to bring light to this issue in America as a legal and Constitutional violation. My civil rights are being violated.
The definition of discrimination is: treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit, partiality or prejudice. As a noun: unfair treatment of a person, racial group, or minority. Discrimination of any sort under any condition in America is illegal when it comes to race but not when it comes to income - laws need to be amended for sure. Discriminating against a bracket of individuals and families based on income has not been brought before our judicial system. Where is the ACLU now? Also, if racial profiling was found to be illegal by the Supreme Court, wouldn't financial profiling be a case worthy of a serious hearing and debate? I think so; and I, for one, will take the cause head on.
If taxes are being raised then taxes need to be raised on everyone equally. Singling out one demographic or another and passing laws that clearly target that demographic while the same laws advantage another demographic is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Racial profiling and discrimination have been issues that ripped through America, the media and the courts. I think financial profiling and discrimination is equally as horrifying and deserves this country's utmost attention. [more...]
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