last year when China devalued its currency and the market went nuts? Well, so
much for that. The subsequent tightening in financial conditions that came with
the bold currency move has vanished, according to Goldman Sachs. The bank said
its proprietary Financial Conditions Index has returned to its August 2015
level, providing a bright spot in an economy that otherwise has been
lackluster. [more...]
news! This year we get a few extra days to file our tax returns – until April
18th (19th in MD and DC). But what if you’re just not ready? Relax. File an
extension – no excuses needed. You get an extra six months to file. Use Form
4868 for personal extensions (check with your state for their forms). Oh, you
heard it’s an extension to file, not an extension to pay? That’s true. But they
will grant you the extension even if you don’t pay the whole balance due. By
filing the extension, you avoid the non-filing penalty of 5% per month...AND if
you really have a hardship when it comes to paying, there’s a special form to
give you more time to pay (Form 1127). Whatever your tax problem, TaxMama has
an answer - free at - click on Ask a Question. [Read more of my ideas and
suggestions here...]
In our new book, The 30-Minute Millionaire, there's a chapter called "Buffett Rules." We talk about learning from the ultra-rich. Very few of us are going to emulate, say, Mark Zuckerberg and come up with a seemingly trivial idea that turns into a billion dollar business. If you look in the right places, though, you'll find plenty of useful nuggets for your path to becoming a millionaire. Nowhere is this more apparent than with Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha who built a business empire by following a remarkably simple set of rules: understand the companies in which you invest, don't chase returns, and don't expect to make a lot of money by taking on a lot of debt. Also, learn how to take a loss, don't invest for the short term, and believe in America and the things that make it great. Virtually every move Buffett has ever made is in line with these very simple and practical principles. Learn how you can apply Buffett's wisdom to your own investment decisions. [more...] is proud to offer an excellent new blog featuring experts on the economy, the financial crisis, Wall Street and all things money money money!
New Website Launches Today!
Thank you for reading my blog posts on this website. Today, I’m launching
a new website. It’s available at . It is
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