series of protests partially funded by the Service Employees International
Union (SEIU) sought to highlight the difficulty of low-wage workers. Workers
across the country gathered over Labor Day demanding that they be paid no less
than $15 per hour. President Obama, the man whose job is to make America a
competitive economy globally, publicly sided against business owners when he
stated, "America deserves a raise." Such a statement by the President
of the United States shows that even he does not understand why the U.S.
economy is flawed or how economics works.[more...]
a powerful and profound Editorial this week, The
Wall Street Journal presents new information from the Tax
Foundation that America’s tax burden on businesses is nearly the worst in the
industrialized world. That’s right, America is ranked number 32 out of 34
of industrialized nations that are part of the OECD (Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development). This ranking is from a new index that
utilizes 40 tax policy variables in its index. If that's not enough bad
news, there are some who want to raise the taxes even further, and
erect barriers for corporations that seek to flee America, looking
for a reduced tax burden. [more...]
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