After watching France elect their first “Socialist”
leader in 17 years, global oil markets are falling. It’s no big surprise; Capitalism
doesn’t think too fondly of its socialist counterpart. That’s why oil prices fell
as much as 3.2 percent after France elected Francois Hollande as its new
president. As the European debt crisis escalates, more countries are starting
to reject necessary austerity programs geared toward reducing spending and
running a fiscally sound operation. The masses are actually calling for more
government spending and more money printing. What the masses do not understand
is that falling oil prices, and for that matter falling commodity prices,
present a major opportunity for the United States. [more...]
high priests of the Social Security and Medicare "trust funds"
(whatever happened to the lockbox?) issued new warnings about the solvency of
the "trust funds" they oversee. The Social Security Disability
Insurance trust fund will be gone, depleted, kaput in 2016, which is two years
earlier than expected. Thank you, masters of the obvious! Matt Rutledge, a research
economist at Boston College's Center for Retirement Research, stated in Investor's
Business Daily: "We see a lot of people applying for disability once
their unemployment insurance expires." Next shoe to drop: The Social
Security trust fund, which goes to retirees, will be exhausted in 2036, two
years earlier than projected last year. This, once again, should not be a
surprise to anyone who pays any sort of attention to our fiscal situation,
because like clockwork, every year, the death date for the lockbox gets moved
closer. [more...] is proud to offer an excellent new blog featuring experts on the economy, the financial crisis, Wall Street and all things money money money!
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