Monday, July 10, 2017

How to Rescue Your Retirement

Every day 10,000 Baby Boomers reach age 65, and this will continue until 2029. Many need to protect their life savings and prepare for retirement. Boomers expected a comfortable retirement, but for many the autumn of life seems to be going another way. People are right to be afraid, and to seek security; the signs that things are coming apart are all around us. But the way to “insure” your portfolio is to escape promissory paper, including paper money that politicians can confiscate via inflation. People would be wise to convert a portion of their savings into the universal store of value, gold. Baby Boomers need to act decisively to provide true security for their golden years. For a free copy of the White Paper The Annuity Trap, contact: David Bradshaw at 602-918-3296 or e-mail him. [more...]

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